Wednesday, 25 November 2015



Recently we’ve been talking about the word resilience and what it means too you. We talked about it as a class and then we watched some videos. The first one was about not giving up, the second one was about if you do something wrong it’s not the end of the world, so don’t worry, the third video was about flexibility and how you can help others. The last video was about different ways you can be resilient. Here are some examples:
Never give up.
Just keep going if you make a mistake.
Be flexible like bamboo.
Think as each task as dawn not dusk.
Positive Mental Attitude.
Be able to take and give advice to others.

Two phrases often used are:
“Come on, laugh it off!”
“Don’t let this spoil everything!”

So come on, be RESILIENT!


                              Our Science Experiments

We started the term with a science experiment to find out if all substances dissolve in water. We found out that most substances used didn’t dissolve. Copper sulphate and sodium carbonate reached saturation point. Aluminium pottasiate, sand, sugar and salt didn’t dissolve.
  Our favourite experiment was the Bunsen burner. The hottest flame they produce was the roaring blue flame, it can reach temperatures of 700 degrees Celsius. The coolest flame is the orange flame reaching 300 degrees Celsius. The blue flame is 500 degrees Celsius.

 By,   Barnaby and Jack



SeeSaw is an online learning journal, allowing us to share our schoolwork with our classmates and parents.  We are allowed to choose which pieces of work that we put on SeeSaw, so that we have a learning journal full of work that we are proud of.  On SeeSaw, you can post videos and photos which we can edit by adding drawings, text and voice recording.  The teacher also has to approve our work, making sure that only well-done and appropriate work is posted.

We love it!

By James Johnson and William Demetriou.

Diglis Lock

The Diglis Lock

We were given the excellent opportunity to go and visit a dry lock. 

A lock is a boat elevator where it levels the water to the right level on the other side of the river. They use a lock-key to open the gates and close the gate. A lock-key is like a metal spanner that you push round and round to open the gate. It takes a lot of power because it is very heavy. There are lots of locks on canals. We went to the Diglis lock where all the water had been drained out to replace the gates. They found about 17,000 fish and lots of pipes, milk bottles, dead bullets, poison and medicine. Interestingly they found whole cars and trolleys in other locks.

By Sam, Henry and Marcus

Shakespeare Day

Shakespeare trip to King’s Hawford
On Monday 16th November, all of Year Six went to King’s Hawford for a Shakespeare day. ‘The Young Shakespeare Company’ came to teach us the story of Romeo and Juliet.  We were split into four groups and were mixed up with Hawford children.  One of the main focuses of the day was for us to make friends with the Hawford Year Sixes, for the next year, as most of us would go to the Senior School with the Hawford children.  Overall it was an amazing day!

By Adam and Matthew

Transition Day

The Transition Day
    On Tuesday 17th November, Year Six from both King’s St Albans and King’s Hawford, collaborated in a ‘Transition Day’ at the Kings Senior School. There was a selection of activities to choose from, such as: drama, chemistry, DT, art, library, dance, IT, and robotics. This also gave the pupils from both schools a great opportunity to make friends with their future Year Seven peers. It was a great success and everyone had an enjoyable time.

By Anna and Mia

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

#100wc Showcase Winner for Week 9


The retired soldier glanced at the poppy on his shoulder. Fifty years ago he was fighting for Britain, to not be invaded by Germany. He shivered with the thought of raining bombshells, his friends collapsing, dead, in front of him. Then Adolf Hitler, the dictator. So many people had been killed because of him. The soldier quickly returned to the present, and listened intently to the Bishop talking about in the war, but he could not forget the terror of the battle, and never would, even after he had died.


Here is the link to the webpage and competition.
Please read the feedback too.

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Animal Jokes

As part of the West Midland Safari Park 'Get Worcestershire Talking' competition, 6B have retold some of their favourite animal jokes.

What did the cat say when it hurt itself?
Meee – OW

Why did the giraffe cross the road?
Because it thought it was a chicken.

Doctor Doctor, I feel like a pig.
How long have you been feeling like this?
About a weeeeeK!

What day do fish hate the most?
Fry – day

What do you call a sleeping bull?
A bull-dozer

Why are fish so smart?
They live in schools!

How do you hide a horse?

What animals do you have to look out in exams?

How does a dog stop a video?
With the paws button

What happened when 500 hares got loose?
The police had to comb the area.

How do you get down from a camel?
You don’t. You get down from a goose!

I have got a horse called treacle. She has golden stirrups!
He does not go out much – he’s a shire horse!

A turkey challenged me to a fight.
He threw down the giblets!

Black beauty – he’s a dark horse.

Where does a dog go when it loses its tail?
The re-tail park

What do you use to lure a bear out of a cave?

Who took 10, 000 pigs up a hill?
The Grand Old Duke of Pork

How was the kangaroo named?
Because a Scottish man got stuck in a toilet and said, ‘I Cannegeout!’

What do you call a fish with no eyes?


Mr Bailey
What do you call a dinosaur that knows lots of words?
A 'Thesaurus'!

Friday, 13 November 2015

Red - James


Boom! Crack! These are some of the noises of the war zone. The deafening, chilling noise of gunfire is all around me. Stuck in a trench of mud, I sit there petrified. Bullets wiz past my head, a unconfutable coldness froze my body. Many soldiers lay on the floor, they were not moving. Curled up in a ball I lay on the, shivering, from the harsh, bitter cold. My clothes were damp and my gun clunked when I moved. Suddenly! The gunfire stopped it, was the end of the battle.
 Many years later I came back where I fought. Poppies surrounded me, red poppies.      


Red - Henry


Red is the colour of a huge humongous firework that screams like it’s been stabbed. It looks like an erupted volcano. The beautiful extravagant explosion is so amazing there would be no point using other fireworks. The colours like a massive gleaming ruby that has been polished one million times. When it collapses it looks like someone has sprinkled glitter everywhere. The scream is so killing to the ear and is so loud it could wake you up a mile away. It is the most amazing firework ever and you would not want to miss seeing it.


Diglis 'Dry' Lock Visit

Diglis 'Dry' Lock Visit

Red - Matthew

The Poppy

The retired soldier glanced at the poppy on his shoulder. Fifty years ago he was fighting for Britain, to not be invaded by Germany. He shivered with the thought of raining bombshells, his friends collapsing, dead, in front of him. Then Adolf Hitler, the dictator. So many people had been killed because of him. The soldier quickly returned to the present, and listened intently to the Bishop talking about in the war, but he could not forget the terror of the battle, and never would.

By Matthew

Red - Luica


Bang! Hundreds of red flashes lit up the night sky each one exploding simultaneously after each other.   Bright shades of red, orange and gold made patterns in the sky leaving a dim glow. Whiz! More glitters of light illuminated the night void as more fireworks were set off. There were all kinds of fire fireworks being set of miniature ones to giant ones elaborate ones to plainer ones. The people observing gazed up in wonder at the bright sparks of light, and blinked as they hurt their eyes. The fireworks were like shiny red rubies glittering away in a sky full of treasures.

By Lucia

Red - Anna

                                                               And in the middle of the flash

Everlasting explosions of bright colourful spirals surrounded the cloudy, black night sky with light and happiness. Ferocious BANGS echoed after the strikes of the neon lights, red, blue, yellow, purple and green whistled into the black void. Starting from the green cushion it soars and roars until CRACK colours shower down until they vanish into the night sky. Whizzing and spinning, spiralling and swirling almost out of control, until, just like that, it vanishes into nothing. Fizzing and smoking. Spelling out names and drawing patterns. Seeing how much fun can be had until the time runs out and all goes silent… 

Monday, 9 November 2015

Showcase Winner! Week #6

We have our first 'Showcase' writer of the year! We are so pleased.
We will be getting the certificate soon.

Link to the webpage.

The creature was long, long like a serpent and had huge arms with talons on the end to drag itself along the earth. Its mouth emitted blazing heat that would scorch anything to death weaker than itself and could submerge a village in one breath. Scales flowed down its back like a river of lava and its tail was spinier than a hedgehog. It ate creatures as big as rams and cattle as well as human flesh, and its thirst was only quenched by the taste of blood. It felt like segmented leather and its scales was searing like magma.

Friday, 6 November 2015

The Blazing Fire - Florence

The Blazing Fire

The last thing I knew, I was lying in my bed. Smoke drifted up my nostrils as I fell asleep to a scream. I woke up to a sizzling noise. My body felt heavy and unable to move. I was sticky all over, dizzy too. A wave of scalding air washed over me. It felt like I was the sand, heavy, wet and in pain. My hand felt sore and the pain in my leg was excruciating. I heard screams and yells. As I limped to the window my body was red and burnt. Firemen stood outside telling the people gathered on the streets not to panic. My head hurt and it was then I first felt the torturous glow.

The Day - Flora

The day

It was the day, the day Lola dreaded, the day she went back to school. When Lola woke up she started screaming and crying when she found out it was the day. Lola grasped the side of her bed and tried not to let go, but the strength of her dad pulling her away was too much, and soon she found herself in school uniform sat in the car.

       Lola was outside on the playground being teased for having glasses and braces. Everyone was shouting comments like

“Train tracks!” and “You’re ugly because of your glasses!” Lola ran home as fast as she could

Despair -- Matthew


As I sprinted out of the demolished building of my home, I cried out helplessly, remembering my beloved family, and all they had done to make sure I had a happy life. It felt like my life had been torn apart, never to be seen again, then replaced by a nightmare. I felt a surge of anger. Whoever had done all that must have had some relatives, so what gave them the right to make me lose mine? Silently I vowed I would make sure they lost theirs, and was sorrowful that they had killed my family, and my life.

By Matthew

…It felt like…-- Mia

…It felt like…
                   A bullet passing through my head, causing chaos and confusion all through the town. That thump to my head, now spinning and spinning. My head was whizzing away… I lost my balance as I fell unconscious, was I dying, or would I be rescued. Who knew, but something gave me the feeling that someone could decide my fate, my restless fate…
                 I could hear the gasps of fear from passers-by, then I heard a phone dial.

The Mean Bullies - Flo C

If I didn’t play that game , if they didn’t make me do it ,if they didn’t scare the life out of me ,I wouldn’t be locked in a small ,dark ,damp cellar.

It all started when I got bullied at school and people called me names, but one day they called me over to their gang.

“Hay Andrew, come and play rocks” they shouted

“What’s rocks” I stuttered

The bullies where mean, the people who they walked past trembled in their presents. The leader called shaker made him play. Andrew didn’t know what to do.

“Runnnnnnn” he whispered

Andrew ran as fast as possible, but he ran into a cellar it felt like I was going to be trapped.

The Vampires - Henry

It felt like someone was tickling my spine. They were… A long bony pale finger ran along my spine. I turned round scared stiff and came to face a vampire. He had blood stained teeth and his skin was snow white. He was wearing old Victorian clothes like the smart people of London used to wear. Then out of nowhere came a score more of the cold blooded creatures came out from the gloomy corners of the dungeon.

They all hissed “I want your blood!”

Oh no there was no way I could survive now…

An unfortunate fate

The writhing snake made him feel uncomfortable. He was sweating like mad unsure what to do. His heart was pounding, the hair on the back of his neck rising the tension building when he came closer to the darkness. The light getting dimmer he was going down. Quicker and quicker. His eyes growing drowsy shuddering as the lift took him down at 1,000,000 mph to his doom it felt like hell everywhere it grew hotter. He couldn’t move he couldn’t shout he tried to live the rest of his life. The lit stopped. A voice said malevolently “Once only once.”

Jack Hyde